Monday, October 11, 2010

Scratch Projects

I used this assignment as a way to really just get the basics on the the Adobe Photoshop program, since I have had little to no practice using before this class. I am a video production major with a minor in film studies so i'm more used to working a camera and using programs such as First Act, Indesign, and other video editing software. I found the Adobe program to be more difficult than I imagined however within time i started getting the hang of the tools and how they can be manipulated and changed. It was difficult to decide exactly what i wanted to do, since every idea i had seemed impossible to create through the program, so i had to do a handful of prototypes before i felt that i had something fairly clean and orderly.

It has been very difficult for me to understand this program completely, however, I'm starting to realize what tools are helpful, and how to create what you're trying to. I found that in my projects, the tools that really helped in my projects, were the simple tools such as the fill bucket, or the shape tools; when it comes to filling big areas/shapes with flat basic colors. However, the tool like the lasso tool and the magic wand do a lot of helpful things, especially when you make a mistake and need to make small changes without having to do anything drastic, like deleting the whole shape, or even starting over, which was a reoccuring event for me until i started getting the hang of things.

I wasn't very confident in this project with how my final works turned out, but it was a good learning experience, and i feel that i am slowly understanding the program more everyday and all it takes is practice.

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